Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hooray for Summer!

Summer is right around the corner and I am already loving it! I LOVE being outside, especially in the water. Mommy has a hard time keeping me out of Sadie & Thomas' water bowl. I recently got my first power wheels and I am going all over in it. Although I do more pushing it then riding it! Oh yeah, guess what? I am walking!!! So, I still crawl the majority of the time, but I am really taking off with my steps. Better watch out, cause I'm takin' off...

No better place to be then on my daddy's shoulders!

Mmmm... berry time!

Daddy spoiling my appetite for dinner!

Water!!! Yay!!!

It won't stop!

I found the one door without the tot lock...

These make the best toys!

Lots of energy tonight!!!

Our evenings are packed with smiles & laughs!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My First Steps!!!

So I FINALLY decided to take a few steps this past weekend! And, since I have been taking a few more steps... I am still trying to figure it out but I will have the hang of it real soon.

A few other tidbits: Mommy thinks I look more grown up each day! I now have 5 teeth and another will be in shortly. I love going outside to play. I especially love playing in the animals water bowl. I never understand why mommy's not so fond of it. I like to pick up sticks for Sadie to come and get from me. I especially like when Mr.Thomas (our kitty) comes up for a visit. I am looking forward to the summer for lots of playtime!

Oh, and almost forgot to mention, strawberries are my new favorite fruit along with blackberries that daddy gives me on our afternoon walks.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Special Picture Day with Mommy

Mommy wanted to celebrate my 1 year milestone with MORE pictures!!! We had a fun time together.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My 1st Birthday Party

So I wasn't really sure what all the commotion was about ,but I did enjoy a yummy cupcake mommy & daddy made! Here's how it went down...

They all sang "Happy Birthday"...

Daddy & mommy got in on a picture with me while I was busy eating...

Still savoring that cupcake...

Checking out Uncle Andrew and Great Grandaddy...

Cousin Joshua got in on the action...

Still wandering what all the fuss is about...

Play time with the boys...

I loved my balloons...

I am so glad all my friends & family got to experience this special milestone with me! What a day!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

From Baby to Toddler

I turned 1 on March 23rd! Here's a recap of the
first year of my life.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm 11 months today!

Today I turned 11 months! Only 1 more month until my very first birthday! I am so excited about my birthday celebration with my family and especially my first sweet treat! Here's a little to tell you what's going on these days...
Weight: 22.5 lbs.
Height: 33" (Give or take an inch or two)
I still have no teethies yet.
I eagerly anticipate my REAL cow's milk!
I LOVE riding around on my daddy's shoulders!
One of my favorite games is knocking down blocks that mommy & daddy stack up.
I get a good laugh watching Sadie chase the ducks and making them fly.
And, I am always intrigued with Mr. Thomas, our kitty.
Also, I am adding a few words to my vocabulary. Nothing that anyone can understand yet.

I am growing up really fast! It has been bittersweet for mommy as she is realizing I am not a baby these days. We are embarking on a new season...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More Fun...