Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm 11 months today!

Today I turned 11 months! Only 1 more month until my very first birthday! I am so excited about my birthday celebration with my family and especially my first sweet treat! Here's a little to tell you what's going on these days...
Weight: 22.5 lbs.
Height: 33" (Give or take an inch or two)
I still have no teethies yet.
I eagerly anticipate my REAL cow's milk!
I LOVE riding around on my daddy's shoulders!
One of my favorite games is knocking down blocks that mommy & daddy stack up.
I get a good laugh watching Sadie chase the ducks and making them fly.
And, I am always intrigued with Mr. Thomas, our kitty.
Also, I am adding a few words to my vocabulary. Nothing that anyone can understand yet.

I am growing up really fast! It has been bittersweet for mommy as she is realizing I am not a baby these days. We are embarking on a new season...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More Fun...

Monday, February 15, 2010